Be verbs

 Be verbs

"Be verbs" do not show an action. "Be verbs" show a state of being. They act like an equals sign (=) in maths. "Be verbs" are usually followed by a noun or an adjective.

A noun is a person, place, thing, or thing.

An adjective is a word that describes a noun like big, small, happy, fast, interesting, and annoying.

Simple present tense "be verbs" are - am, is, are.

"Be verbs" ක්‍රියාවක් නොපෙන්වයි. "Be verbs" යන්නෙන් පෙන්නුම් කරන්නේ පවතින තත්වයක්. ඔවුන් ගණිතයේ සමාන ලකුණක් (=) ලෙස ක්රියා කරයි. "Be verbs" සාමාන්යයෙන් නාම පදයක් හෝ විශේෂණයක් අනුගමනය කරයි.

නාම පදයක් යනු පුද්ගලයෙකු, ස්ථානයක්, දෙයක් හෝ දෙයකි.

විශේෂණ පදයක් යනු big, small, happy, fast, interesting, and annoying වැනි නාම පදයක් විස්තර කරන වචනයකි.

සරල වර්තමාන කාල "be verbs" යනු - am, is, are.

Subject + be verb + noun/adjective

The verb "to be" changes depending on the subject of the sentence.

Put "am" after the subject I.

  • I am tired.

  • I am sick and cold.

  • I am a doctor.

  • I am a good man.

මට මහන්සියි.

මම අසනීපයි, සීතලයි.

මම දොස්තර කෙනෙක්.

මම හොඳ මිනිසෙක්.

Put "is" after he, she, it, or one person or the name of a thing.

  • Bill is handsome.

  • He is a student.

  • Erin is funny.

  • She is a writer.

  • My dog is huge.

  • It is cute.

Put "are '' after you, we, they, or two or more people or the name of a thing.

  • You are a good friend.

  • Mary and I are coworkers.

  • We are hungry.

  • The children are cute.

  • They are 5 years old.

  • The buildings are tall.

  • They are new.

Look at the difference.

  • My friend is nice.

  • My friends are nice.

  • Her book is blue.

  • Her books are blue.

This is difficult for many English learners, and even advanced English speakers sometimes have trouble with this.

Try to practise a lot and you will get used to it quickly. It will become natural for you to make sentences with “be” verbs in the present tense.

Example Sentences

  • I am tired because I worked late last night.

  • I am an engineer at a company in Korea.

  • You are really nice.

  • You are a great chef.

  • We are married.

  • We are artists.

  • David and I are baseball fans.

  • He is cute.

  • He is a teacher.

  • David is an interesting guy.

  • My professor is kind.

  • She is a hard worker.

  • She is a great speaker.

  • Erin is so nice.

  • My mom is generous.

  • It is very big.

  • It is really interesting.

  • The pizza is so hot.

  • My dog is very cute.

  • They are cool.

  • They are happy because they won the game.

  • Richard and Monica are very serious people.

  • My friends are artists.


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